I must be missing something here. Going sandbagging has never been this confusing. I sandbag every year. As much as I possibly can. Whenever I have a break in my schedule around this time, I throw on the rubber boots and get to work. I've always found it painfully easy to know where to go and what to do. This year is different. Very different. Never in my life have I registered to go sandbag, as I am now apparently required to do. You just find out where to go the moment you know you've got some free time, and off you go. Before you do of course, you spread the word to as many people as you can using whatever means at your disposal. Seriously easy. At the same time, never have I been getting so many e-mails from people who have been waiting for help to arrive but have hit the panic button after being told not to put out the word themselves... as well as people who are willing and able but instead of sandbagging are just waiting for their phone to ring. Again, perhaps I am missing something. If I am, I'm sorry, but the quicker way to fix a problem to me seems to be not putting out an "Urgent call for volunteers" and then having them sit on hold in hopes of receiving a call back after schedules and availability have been arranged. The quickest way to deal with an "urgent" problem is to release information saying "Urgent call for volunteers at ________ to do __________". That message spreads quickly. When time is a factor, the shortest route between problem and solution works best. As far as I know, we've never done things this way. I also know I've never received complaints before this year from people who are trying to help but can't seem to figure out how. Let's figure it out. I'm going sandbagging now.
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