HOT 103 Contests

Operation: Sell 1,003 Giveroni's

This weekend is your last chance to experience the Giv’eroni at Pizza Hotline! And we’re hoping to go out with a bang, by selling 1,003 of them this Friday, Saturday and Sunday to help raise a little extra money for The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba and our upcoming Caring For Kids Radiothon happening Thursday, May 5.

This is the de-lish, super-awesome extra-large pizza created by Ace, Chrissy, and LTI. Dry-cured pepperoni, fresh crushed garlic, roasted red peppers and Bothwell smoked jalepeno Monterey Jack cheese.

And the BEST part is…for every pizza sold – $5 gets donated to The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba!

So let’s giv’r! – and help out a great cause in the process! Order one today by calling or by visiting

Thanks for your support!

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