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The Frenchman


Why should you win Winnipeg Jets season tickets? Actually I want to win these for my wife - when she was about 6 her dad took her to watch the Jets practice, and while she stood on the boards watching her favourite team, Jimmy Mann tried to gently flick a puck up to her with his stick and nailed her right between the eyes with the puck instead. She still remembers laying on the ground and seeing huge Jimmy tower over her, in full equipment, looking like a remoseful little puppy dog, apologizing and awkwardly offering his autograph. It's one of her greatest memories and it's what sealed the deal for her being a hard-core Jets fan until she, like all of us, was devastated by their departure. She plays hockey, she is our 16yr old son's biggest hockey fan, she is the GM of my hockey team and has to babysit 15 of us, and does a great job of it. She deserves this and will be a fan you can be proud of!
Submitted by Kerry from Winnipeg On 3/5/2011  · This has been rated 12390 times.

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