HOT 103 wants to give Aynslie and Trent Wall season tickets to NHL hockey in Winnipeg!
Congratulations Aynslie!  You and your husband will be sitting in the MTS Centre for every game of NHL hockey this season.  Plus, you'll get a brand new hersey courtesy of Royal Sports when the logo/team name/jersey info is released!

The winner was selected by the staff at Royal Sports.

Staff from left to right: (Back) Tarik Daoudi, Tyson Kavhai, Kyle Cavell, Jake West, Randy Tesluck, (Front) Ryan McBride, Rhiannon Bruyere, Jody Adamson
*Please note that all pictures have a RATING tool attached to them.  This tool and the scores it produces are NOT considered when choosing a winner.  They exist only for fun and interactivity purposes.
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Conan and I
1993 playoffs
Flying with the Jets
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